Budding entrepreneurs latch unto co-working models to boost …
BusinessDay (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog) In a bid to thrive amidst the harsh business climate in Nigeria, business owners, especially startups are now latching unto co-working models, which provide soft … |
Budding entrepreneurs latch unto co-working models to boost … – BusinessDay (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog)
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Co-working spaces planned for Arts Block in Greenfield – GazetteNET
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
GazetteNETCo-working spaces are non-traditional office setups that give individuals a place to work independently while also supporting collaboration. Greenspace...
How a New Coworking Space Aims to Save the Future of Interior Design – Architectural Digest
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Architectural Digestwhen he received an e-mail from Young Huh inviting him for lunch at her new office: Fuigo, a...
Co-working space coming to Burlington – Triad Business Journal
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Triad Business JournalWalid Nicola and his wife, Stephanie Chase, plan to open Coworking on Main at 906 S. Main...
Suffolk: Something co-working at Wyandanch Rising – Innovate Long Island
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Innovate Long IslandThe county on Friday applied to the Long Island Regional Economic Development Council for funding to open...
Creator’s Gurukul Ready to Make a Grand Entry into the Co-working Space Segment – BW Businessworld
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
BW BusinessworldWhile the advent of co-working spaces has been generating massive popularity lately, the number of quality spaces available...
Co-working space begins operations in Grand Forks | Grand Forks … – Grand Forks Herald
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Grand Forks HeraldThe 701, a new co-working space by Evolve Grand Forks, recently put up a sign to advertise...
3Invest launches the first timeshare Co-working space in Lagos – Ventures Africa
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Ventures AfricaOne of Africa’s leading real estate firms, 3Invest, has launched its corporate real estate model, Lagos Co-work. Lagos...
Co-working spaces come to Alpharetta – NorthFulton.com
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Co-working spaces come to AlpharettaNorthFulton.comALPHARETTA, Ga. — Shared office spaces are making their way from big cities to smaller...