Virginian-Pilot Freemason’s Cure is now offering a co-working space next to the cafe, at 507 Botetourt St., a place where people can work and sip somewhere other than at cafe tables. The business is calling the setup “Cure and Co.” Mike Alston, director of the co … |
Freemason coffee shop sets up co-working space – Virginian-Pilot
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Co-Working Space For Feminist Entrepreneurs Pivots As It Grows – Forbes
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ForbesAlexandria-based political business consultant Michelle Coyle was tired of working alone at home, so she opened her own co-working...
Co-working spaces cater to the specific needs of self-employed … – The Globe and Mail
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The Globe and MailPopularized by the tech industry and beautified by the creative industry, co-working spaces are being used...
LTU to launch new design incubator, co-working space – Curbed … – Curbed Detroit
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Curbed DetroitLawrence Tech’s Detroit Center for Design + Technology will have a design accelerator program, in-house design studio, and...
Creator’s Gurukul Ready to Make a Grand Entry into the Co-working Space Segment – BW Businessworld
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BW BusinessworldWhile the advent of co-working spaces has been generating massive popularity lately, the number of quality spaces available...
Co-working office spaces a big hit among professionals on a budget – Times of India
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Times of IndiaThe number of players specializing in co-working office spaces across India is expected to surpass 100 sooner...
Space wars: Co-working heats up in Asia – Tech Wire Asia
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Tech Wire AsiaCO-WORKING spaces are projected to occupy 30 percent of the mainland Chinese office market by 2030, according...
“Co-working for adults”: stately decor, and an address in one of the world’s most iconic buildings – Quartz
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QuartzThere are no ping pong tables, no baristas on standby, no fruit water dispensers or meditation rooms at Servcorp....
Comparing DC’s Restaurant Coworking Spaces – Eater DC
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Eater DCCo-working, or spaces dedicated to brining remote workers together, has officially invaded D.C. WeWork now has multiple locations,...