Tech Wire Asia There are currently 61 co-working spaces in India, according to startup intelligence firm Traxcn, of which 16 were set up in 2016. And the US$10 billion U.S. office rental startup WeWork recently announced plans to open at least five locations in India … A Different Kind Of Melting PotBW Businessworld |
India: Demand for co-working spaces driven by startups’ need for affordability – Tech Wire Asia
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Hygge’s second coworking location is now open on the west side – Charlotte Agenda
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Charlotte AgendaHygge, the year-old coworking space on the western edge of Uptown, has expanded to a second location —...
Antwerp co-working space encourages occupants to explore its spaces – Dezeen
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
DezeenThe experience of walking New York’s High Line inspired the layout of Antwerp co-working space Fosbury & Sons, designed...
The Loft co-working space discussed on News-Review Podcast – Petoskey News-Review
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Petoskey News-ReviewFor those who work from within their home, a new co-working space in Downtown Harbor Springs will open...
These are the 10 best co-working spaces in London – City A.M.
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
City A.M.Co-working simply involves the shared use of an office or working environment by independent workers. This type of...
Foundry Club co-working space to open downtown –
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Chron.comNational co-working operator WeWork recently announced plans to open in 86,000 square feet in downtown’s 708 Main. The building...
This San Francisco co-working space rents vintage camping trailers by the hour – Business Insider
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Business InsiderA San Francisco startup wants to bring nature, or at least the look of it, to entrepreneurs. Campsyte,...
Co-working office spaces: Can Mumbai match the mounting demand? –
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Moneycontrol.comAwfis 91 Spring Board Red Brick Rise WorkLoft Social OF10 The Playce Ministry of New Bombay Connect Global co-working...
New York bars, restaurants turn into offices in coworking boom – Business Mirror
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Business MirrorThe Michelin-starred eatery undergoes a transformation each morning into a coworking space for freelancers and other professionals. A...