CKGSB Knowledge For a variety of reasons—technological, economic, and social—the office as we knew it for most of the 20th century is going away. In this three-part series, we’ll look first at why and how the office is changing; second, at the challenges the new … |
So long, Cube Farmer: Telecommuting, Co-working and the End of the Office – CKGSB Knowledge
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Harmonious Habitat: Entrepreneurs bring “coworking” concept to valley – The Herald Journal
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The Herald JournalNic Porter, co-founder of Habitat Logan, talks about the new space located in the Champlin Development on...
Inside CoWrks, India’s largest co-working space for startups and freelancers – Businessinsider India
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Businessinsider IndiaCoworking spaces are the toast of the town at the moment what with it being the era of...
WeWork ventures into a coworking desert with its ninth DC space – DC
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0 DCWeWork, the New York-born chain of coworking spaces, announced last week that the company has chosen a location...
Over 100 co-working firms operational: JLL – Business Standard
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Business StandardOver 100 co-working firms are operating in the country as global giants like WeWork are poised to enter,...
Recent Troubles Are Signs Of Co-Working’s Maturation, Not … – Bisnow
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
BisnowOver the last few years, it’s been hard to avoid hearing about co-working and WeWork’s absurd success. The $17B...
National Coworking Leader MakeOffices Grows Leadership Team – PR Newswire (press release)
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PR Newswire (press release)WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — MakeOffices, creator of coworking communities where the workplace meets the...
Restaurant coworking: Welcome to the new cafe society – The Memo
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The MemoThere are two things you’ll never find in short supply in New York City: coffee and entrepreneurs. But...
Co-working Offices: The new property investment concept in Malta – MaltaToday
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Co-working Offices: The new property investment concept in MaltaMaltaTodayMichael: In its simplest form, co-working offices are spaces where you...