Salon Daymond John, investor on ABC’s “Shark Tank” and founder of FUBU, has launched a new venture that he hopes won’t just benefit one investment, but every investment he makes. It’s called Blueprint & Co. and the idea is based off popular co-working spaces … |
WATCH: Finally! A co-working space for “sharks” – Salon
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This Y-combinator backed co-working space is changing the workplace set-up in Bengaluru now – Businessinsider India
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Businessinsider IndiaTo evangelize the generation of start-ups and freelancers and upbeat their creative quotient, a co-working space startup- Innov8...
Mapping Vermont’s Maker and Coworking Spaces – Seven Days
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Seven DaysA year and half ago, Heco bought a former retail shop near Five Corners in Essex Junction and...
Co-working spaces for women launching in Seattle –
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
KING5.comAmy Nelson and Kim Peltola didn’t feel at home at co-work spaces around Seattle. “What we saw was a...
A coworking cat cafe is raising money on Kickstarter – … – Brooklyn
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0 BrooklynIt’s great to have other people around while coworking. But, admit it. Sometimes it would also be nice...
Galaxy Auto owners plan co-working space for Gardenville Commerce Center – Buffalo News
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Buffalo NewsRick and Dana Bress initially just wanted to buy a strip of land behind the Gardenville Commerce Center...
Chicago firm joins KC coworking rush with purchase of downtown building – Kansas City Business Journal
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
Chicago firm joins KC coworking rush with purchase of downtown buildingKansas City Business JournalPreleasing is underway for private offices...
Benjamin’s Desk coworking community signs on at Studebaker building – Curbed Philly
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Curbed PhillyThe historic Studebaker building on North Broad has found another tenant: Benjamin’s Desk has signed a lease to...
What exactly is coworking? – Montrose Daily Press
Salon Coworking Team, , Coworking International News, 0
What exactly is coworking?Montrose Daily Press“What is this place?” she asked as she slowly stepped inside, looking around as...