Mingtiandi Pub owners have blamed an invasion of hipsters swilling cheap beer at the local 7-Eleven for killing off some of Lan Kwai Fong’s best bars and clubs. Now the millennial menaces are poised to claim another victim in the famed Hong Kong nightlife … |
WeWork Leads Hipster Takeover of Lan Kwai Fong – Adds HK Hotel to Co-Working Empire – Mingtiandi
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New co-working space entrant Colony raises RM8m for expansion – The Edge Markets MY
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The Edge Markets MYKUALA LUMPUR: A new concept serviced office space in Jalan Kia Peng here launched yesterday by...
Co-working grows 35% in year – The Sydney Morning Herald – The Sydney Morning Herald
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The Sydney Morning HeraldThe volume of co-working space in Melbourne grew 35 per cent in the past year as...
Alexandria Pop-Up Owner To Open Permanent Space With Co-Working, Juice Bar – Bisnow
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BisnowShaw has already signed a letter of intent with South Block and was in New York this week meeting...
North Texas’ Coworking Spaces Have Made Work the Place to Be – D Magazine
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D MagazineFor nearly a decade, Dallas co-working was largely a localized endeavor with spaces like Common Desk and Dallas...
Onlookers in a co-working space – SentinelSource.com: The Keene … – The Keene Sentinel
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The Keene SentinelSculptures by Keene State graduate and city resident Andrew Kelsey, part of his “Constant State of Delirium”...
National Coworking day Thursday 11 May | Scoop News – Scoop.co.nz (press release)
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National Coworking day Thursday 11 May | Scoop NewsScoop.co.nz (press release)Rotorua business growth centre Firestation joins dozens of other...
Contemporary Arts Center to open new co-working space in 2017 – NOLA.com
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NOLA.comThe Shop aims to emulate a model companies such as WeWork Cos. and Cowork|rs have used to build successful...
New Coworking Space Opens In Reno’s Midtown | KUNR – Reno Public Radio
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Reno Public RadioThere is a new coworking space in the Biggest Little City. Our contributor Brook Bentley of the...